主演:托尔斯坦·比约克朗德 安蒂·希海基宁 维尔·希尔卡 约翰内斯·霍洛佩宁
简介:四个重金摇滚边缘人,主唱是疗养院清洁员,吉他手是驯鹿屠夫,贝斯手是图书馆管理员,听歌过耳不忘,曾死过两次的鼓手最有冲劲,一心想出国演出;他们在地下室练团12年,从没上台表演,镇上几乎每个人都鄙视他们,披头散发被人讥笑是「娘炮」,骑脚踏车还会莫名被临检,他们只好把所有怒 气都发泄在音乐上。 有天,城里来了一位国际出名的重金属音乐祭主办人,意外获得演出消息的他们,不管三七二十一,决定以团名「插爆直肠」出征上路,一路横冲直撞,偷车、盗墓、渡海、挟持精神病患样样来,甚至闯越两国边境与武装军人对抗,费尽千辛万苦,只为了一战成名的演出机会…...
主演:海奇·诺西艾南 皮霍·朗卡 佩尔蒂·斯维霍姆 斯特凡·索克 Amos
简介:An elderly art dealer Olavi (72) is about to retire. A man who has always put business and art before everything - even his family - cannot imagine life without work. At an auction, an old painting catches his attention. Olavi suspects it is worth much more than its starting price, which is low because its authenticity hasn't been confirmed. Olavi's instincts kick in. He decides to make one last deal in order to earn some proper pension money. At the same time, Olavi's daughter Lea (42) - whom he hasn't seen for years - asks him to help her with his teenage grandson Otto (15). Together with Otto, Olavi starts to investigate the background of the painting. They find out that the painting is called Christ and was painted by Ilya Repin. Olavi manages to buy the painting, but when the auction house realizes that there has been a mistake with the original pricing, they turn against him. To fulfill his dream, the old dealer must face both the auction house and his own past mistakes